Thursday, December 3, 2009

Middletown on the Recovery

According to Forbes Magazine, Middletown is on its fastest-recovering list. Check out the link to learn more!


  1. This is a good thing, yet still seems strange because the unemployment rate for Middletown is high than the average unemployment rate. Like the article said "we are always stuck in the middle". At least this time that we are in Forbes Magazine, it is for a good thing instead of being part of the most dying cities in America. :)

  2. I'm glad that they are saying we are recovering but I can't tell. Last year they were saying were were in the top 10 of most dying cities in the US and now they are saying this. I hope what they say is true. The comments at the bottom of the article with 2 people arguing are funny.

  3. This makes sense, since Middletown was one of the fastest declining, it should also be one of the fastest-recovering. Still, I disagree that we are in the middle, since our statistics are usually more toward the extremes. (Unemployment, etc.)
